PCGen v.6.09.05 Released!

The PCGen Team is pleased to announce that PCGen v.6.09.05 (Alpha) has been released.


What’s new for v6.09.05

PCGen v6.08.00RC6 is released as a ALPHA from our development branch. Some notable changes in the 6.06.05 release are listed below.

Notable Changes

  • Continued work on UI changes – Java Swing converting to JavaFX
  • Many Bug fixes
  • Updated the Release Process (Not Version Controlled)



Java 11 aka Java 55 aka 18.09 or 18.10. PCGEN 6.09.05 is not compatible with Java 10 (or earlier) and it is NOT SUPPORTED. PCGen is tested with OpenJDK, but any Java 11 from any source will be fine. Windows users: The WINDOWS INSTALLER version of PCGen comes with embedded Java JREs for both x86 and x64 Windows OS’s. LINKS:


Read the doc!

Please make sure you read the docs to familiarize yourself with the changes. You can access it from docs/index.html located in the PCGen directory.

Download PCGen

Custom Data Sets

If you have custom data created be aware that you may need to update your data to be compatible with the changes.


Thanks to the volunteers who contributed to the PCGen 6.09.05 release! Without volunteers, no releases would be possible.

Thanks also to the many people who gave us feedback, reported bugs, contributed to the lists and helped other PCGen users out!

Want to Help?

PCGen is an open source project. Anyone who wants to contribute whether it is Java programming, data set programming, documentation, helping new users, general cat herding, massage, walking the dogs, etc. is very welcome.

If you want to help jump on our Discord or Groups.io and simply post a message “I Want To Help” in one of those groups.

PCGen BoD Licensing and PR

10 Comments on “PCGen v.6.09.05 Released!

  1. After six months of waiting, I’m glad to see this finally release! Thanks for keeping this going despite everything!

  2. Hi folks. A long, long time user (from v2.6.6 or so) and so, so grateful for your wonderful project which is one again underpinning my current D&D 3.5 campaign.
    Was very sad to see – but understood – the going archive post, but here’s a release. Does that mean someone stepped up?
    We can always hope 🙂

        • We try and make sure that any beta releases are as stable as possible. It’s usually just the first couple of version releases after a major release that are problematic.

    • There’s been some slow code changes, and more data additions. We might have another release first part of this year. There’s been some critical bugs introduced with the release process that are being worked on.

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