PL Letters

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This page contains instructions for the PL Team for writing and archiving letters to publishers in the gaming industry.


Writing the Letter

When preparing a letter to a pubisher, follow the instructions listed below:

  1. Using the template shown below, create a new e-mail message with the e-mail client of your choice.
  2. Replace the bracketed (<>) material with the appropriate information as indicated on the template page. (See below)
  3. Follow any specific instructions listed on the appropriate template page.
  4. Make any other changes to the letter as seems appropriate.
  5. Send the letter, making sure that you have archived the original letter as sent as a record of the communications.
  6. Update the Publisher Status page.

Archiving Responses

When a response to a letter is received, follow the directions below:

  1. Archive the response in the Archive Repository. (Archive Repository TBD, so for the time being send it to the PL 2nd)
  2. If the response was to a Request for Specific Permission or a Permissions Review Request, update the [Publisher Permissions] section of the PCGen documentation.
  3. If the response was to a Source Review Request, update the [Sources] section of the PCGen documentation.

Letter Templates

The following are a list of templates that may be used when writing the appropriate letter to a publisher.