Difference between revisions of "Non-Core FREQs"

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(New page: {| align="right" | __TOC__ |} =Introduction= These Freqs don't affect Core and can probably be tackled independantly of the CDOM changes= =EXPORT= 1025212: OS tokens for Temporary ...)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:09, 10 September 2008


These Freqs don't affect Core and can probably be tackled independantly of the CDOM changes=


1025212: OS tokens for Temporary Bonus Tab items

1083860: Extend feat does not show true duration

1208125: Print double line feeds as new paragraph on output sheets

1264010: Enhance Portrait for seamless Output sheet integration

1327499: COUNT token enhancement

1365700: EXPORT: CLASSLIST with abbreviations New token same as CLASSLIST, but uses the class abbreviations instead of the full names

1389498: extension to the SOURCELEVEL output tag SOURCELEVEL OS Token needs to have access to SpellLists of Classes a PC does not have

1398987: OS: CHECK token to return abbreviation

1429676: Having sub-notes with notes Notes are organised in lists, with sub-lists, have OS respect that<field>

1430839: OS tokens to return total quanitity and charges


1464067: Enable PDF generation from command line

1470228: WEAPON.x.WIELD token

1475879: Select second picture for OS

1666021: Allow JEP in output sheet maths functions

1675435: Output hidden templates

1675464: Make SOURCE Output Token Universal

1678170: EXPORT: HANDS and LEGS output tokens


1380537: bl("<name>") JEP function to return bonus levels

1411065: pre("PRExxx") JEP Boolean function This is a JEP Boolean function which simply encapsulates any PRExxx tag. Returns a 1 if the PRE tag passes and a 0 if not.

1411229: count("x") JEP function

1694719: strlen("x") JEP function This is a replacement for STRLEN[] in the OS, also usable in data. This should be given priority only when JEP functions are fully usable in OS tokens.

Global code changes

626503: Commons Logging or Log4j - Error/Exception handling

1687948: Internationalized Sort for output Internationalized code uses Collators to sort internationalized Strings.

1694605: I18N: Make Error Message Identifiable in Code

Library changes

1472267: Upgrade mrjstubs to 1.09

1472272: Update JDOM to 1.0

1634879: Switch to FOP 0.93

Independent of CDOM

1244694: Make PCGen (Windows) Least-privileged User Account friendly

1253045: Fails to load custom data if not under main data dir

1354863: Sanity Check Install on Startup

1418831: Add new SVN for only datafile download

1448231: Chnage release dir structure if needed

1451662: Portraits in saved characters

1477838: Upgrade BrowserLauncher to BrowserLauncher2

1495035: Clean up pcgen startup


1221813: random spell book generation

1280974: Enhance Random Name Generator

1602108: Add random equipment/treasure option to NPC generator

1675428: [NPC Gen] lack in functionality

1688454: trap generator

UI Changes

652913: Show PP on the spells/Domains tab in GUI

661873: Allow ability assignment method change on summary screen

722028: Multiple Selection on the Right Side of Tabs

722045: Multiple Selection on the Left Side of some Tabs

823885: [RSRD]eqmod/Item Customizer Change 2-GUI Change Add a checkbox to the Item Customixer popup so that when checked VISIBLE:Qualify and VISIBLE:No work normally but when unchecked they deactivate and function as VISIBLE:Yes. (allow determining prereqs without reading the lst files)

887126: Numerically sort CHOOSE choosers Put numbers at top, before Alphabetical items

901819: Change highlighting in text boxes (act normal!)

906990: Description Tab enhancement

953153: PCGen icons

962966: Metamagic feats in Known Spells Right-click on a known spell to add the metamagic feats you know.

1080023: Display Languages in tree

1082854: GM tab: Show Changes @ each char level

1121624: Separation of Special License

1160818: Preference that turns on the SPROP with the old name

1196185: Integrated Help System

1216597: Program Wizards for new users 1) First run setup wizard 2) Character builder

1216603: Set Output Order from Equipping Tab

1244889: Don't force user to select Align before Race before Class

1277410: Remove/Alter Auto Generated items e,g, Right clicked an item w. +1 - +5 and masterwork, and those options showed up in the context menu - then autocreates that one item instead of tons of them

1296657: Allow hiding of stat table columns on summary tab Add another tag to the TAB:SUMMARY in miscinfo.lst STATTABLEHIDDENCOLUMNS:1,2,3,5

1296670: Allow non-numeric stat descriptions Allow game mode to specify a list of strings to display instead of numbers. E.g. STATROLLTEXT:1 [tab] poor

1317121: Allow text skill rank descriptions Allow game mode to specify a list of strings to display instead of numbers. e.g. SKILLRANKTEXT:1 [tab] incompetent

1411595: Mac OS key accelarator

1411731: Window for retroactively editing skill points

1418844: Include filter in feats/skills limited to specific class

1454516: Better OUTPUTNAME support in UI

1458599: Sorting CHOOSE lists in numerical order +10 +11 +100 not +10 +100 +11

1494587: HeroForge-like skills tab

1499622: Tip: Where to find familiars

1507712: Center output on Skills Tab

1507714: Remember PREAPPLY status in Preview tab (save on exit)

1507760: Add prepared spells to the Preview tab

1618268: Improve Skill Modifier breakdown info on Skills Tab

1625241: Expand Temporary Bonus Support in EquipSets ”selected temp bonuses” not globally used (Preview differs from output)

1625427: UI: Implement Wound and Vitality Option on Summary & Preview tab

1672543: Put all LST loading errors in Load window

1683310: Removing Selected EqMod shouldn't trigger Chooser

1681789: UI Known Spells sub-tab annoyances

1696233: Add new columns to selected skills list

1696272: make VISIBLE:QUALIFY universal

UI core interaction

899206: Store sort order for SA list

1016035: differentiate items that can be crafted 1) Color-code equipment in the purchase window to indicate that the loaded PC can craft them with the skills/spells he has. 2) Create "Craft item" tab under Inventory that dynamically creates a list of what the PC can make, based on spells/feats


1347873: Update Portuguese .properties file