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(New page: {| align="right" | __TOC__ |} =Introduction= '''NB''' Maven is not yet ready for building a finished installation. Use ant for that until the maven build fully catches up. Maven is c...)
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Revision as of 12:53, 2 September 2008


NB Maven is not yet ready for building a finished installation. Use ant for that until the maven build fully catches up. Maven is currently used to generate a site full of extremely useful reports about the code quality of PCGen. See Maven Release Process for what is planned for the release process.

The new monkey on the tree is Maven. It builds on ant and simplifies the build script maintenance considerably. Here is how you can run maven:

  1. Get maven from the Apache Maven site. Get Maven 1.1. Maven 2.0.9 works with PCGen, but we need to put some work into the conversion.
  2. Unpack it wherever you will. Add these two environment variables for yourself (the example is for Windows, adjust accordingly for other platforms):

Template:MAVEN HOME=wherever you unpacked maven, e.g., Template:C:\maven-1.1 Template:PATH=%MAVEN HOME%\bin;%PATH%

  1. Open a command line, change to where you fetched PCGen from SVN, and test maven: maven -q, you should get no output if successful; (without -q, huge banner will appear). If all is not well, please refer to the Maven 1 documentation or drop one of the lists a line with your situation.
  2. Build pcgen and run the tests: maven test, you should see lots of output, hopefully a tests successful at the end
  3. Build the site documentation and code metrics: maven site, this will take some time to complete and you should see lots of output, hopefully a finished site at the end! If maven site works for you, point a browser at target/docs/index.html and see the result.

You are now ready to use Maven for command line builds.

NB You can also use maven integration with your IDE (Eclipse and IDEA both support ant with extensions, plugins or tools).

Maven For Autobuilds

Do not use this yet, this is WIP

  • maven -DentityExpansionLimit=100000 scm:bootstrap
  • you need a build.properties that has:

maven.scm.url=scm:svn:https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pcgen/Trunk maven.scm.bootstrap.goals=site maven.scm.bootstrap.pom.dir=pcgen maven.scm.checkout.dir=pcgen_Trunk maven.scm.username=pcgen_autobuild maven.scm.password=password123456