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Latest revision as of 02:35, 15 September 2014

Board Meeting 2014, September 12th

Release Status


  • Arch - Tom
  • Code - James
  • Chair - Andrew
  • Web 2nd - Anestis


  • Release of RC - Arch requested a delay for a pending fix, was granted 36 hours, Data says they are good for release, Code likewise is good for release. RC2 will be released in 36 hours.
  • Release notes updated to reflect the Spanish language pack update
  • Web Development - New Forum is up and running, Andrew is happy with it, though wants Email notification for queued posts to prevent undue delays. But is otherwise looking ready for prime time in the next few days.
  • Andrew reminded the Board that with the impending 6.4 release, it's a tradition to give monkey promotions to those volunteers deserving of recognition and service. James made mention that all volunteers active for the last cycle are included in the release as volunteers.
  • Andrew is considering resigning from Admin Silverback to bring in new people to the board. (Hinted at Anestis as a replacement, which would leave an opening for Web 2nd)
  • Andrew mentioned the newest web volunteer Marie who is helping with the forums.


  • [17:07] <[Chair]Andrew> Okay, then I suppose we should get this meeting started. *Bangs gavel* Welcome to the BoD Meeting. Since we are still RC, the meeting focus is geared toward the release
  • [17:08] <[Chair]Andrew> James, floor is yours *Passes talking stick to James*
  • [17:08] <James[Code_SB]1> ok, RC2 is right to go straight after the meeting
  • [17:08] <James[Code_SB]1> There were a lot of changes between RC1 and RC2 so I wouldn't be surprised if RC3 was needed
  • [17:09] <James[Code_SB]1> but it is stable and looking good
  • [17:09] <Tom[Arch_SB]> I think there are still a few things I need to look at as well
  • [17:09] <James[Code_SB]1> Probably too late
  • [17:09] <James[Code_SB]1> unless they are critical
  • [17:09] <Tom[Arch_SB]> ok
  • [17:10] <James[Code_SB]1> I might branch and you can fix them in trunk
  • [17:10] == [Web_2nd]Anestis [~Xeno@ppp59-167-79-87.static.internode.on.net] has joined #pcgen
  • [17:10] <Tom[Arch_SB]> whatever works, I can wait on things as well
  • [17:10] <[Chair]Andrew> Only a critical item in Data will cause me to commit anything after RC2.
  • [17:10] <James[Code_SB]1> Actually Tom, if you can get them in today I can hold off RC2
  • [17:11] <[Chair]Andrew> I believe we should have branched since we've gone RC.
  • [17:11] <Tom[Arch_SB]> today your time or mine :)
  • [17:11] <James[Code_SB]1> I'm pretty much in the same mindset Andrew
  • [17:11] <[Chair]Andrew> Tom, before Midnight your time.
  • [17:11] <James[Code_SB]1> Well, lets say in the next 36 hours
  • [17:11] <James[Code_SB]1> I can do the release on Sunday night my time
  • [17:11] <James[Code_SB]1> so, maybe 34 hours :)
  • [17:12] <Tom[Arch_SB]> ok, we can make the cutoff 28 :)
  • [17:12] <[Chair]Andrew> Tom, what were you going to push in???
  • [17:12] <Tom[Arch_SB]> I think there were CHOOSE fixes that were needed
  • [17:13] == jsa_ [~jsa@freebsd/developer/jsa] has joined #pcgen
  • [17:13] <[Chair]Andrew> Ah, SPELLS and another, yes.
  • [17:13] <[Chair]Andrew> !RANKS=MAXRANK
  • [17:14] <Tom[Arch_SB]> My event for tomorrow was called due to pending thunderstorms, so I should have some good time to at least investigate if they are reasonable to fix
  • [17:15] <James[Code_SB]1> Sounds great - thanks
  • [17:16] <[Chair]Andrew> Okay, so RC2 in 34 hours or so, gives Tom time to get his fixes in if deemed safe to do so.
  • [17:16] <[Chair]Andrew> As I said, Data is finished for 6.4 barring a Kaboom.
  • [17:17] <[Chair]Andrew> James, you're satisfied with Code and of same mind for 6.4 based upon your earlier statement.
  • [17:17] == _Zaister [zaister@shell2.powershells.de] has joined #pcgen
  • [17:17] <[Chair]Andrew> Is there anything else we need to hit for 6.4 then?
  • [17:18] <James[Code_SB]1> Yep, pretty much
  • [17:18] <James[Code_SB]1> Oh and I made the release notes change that Paul requested - adding the Spanish language support to the notable changes section
  • [17:18] <James[Code_SB]1> Hi Stefan
  • [17:18] <[Chair]Andrew> That was a great suggestion.
  • [17:19] <[Chair]Andrew> Stefan is in bed...
  • [17:19] <James[Code_SB]1> Ok, just his computer joining the room then :)
  • [17:20] <[Chair]Andrew> Okay, we have plenty of time to tackle some other topic, unless you had anything else there James.
  • [17:20] <James[Code_SB]1> Nope all good here
  • [17:21] == jsa__ [~jsa@freebsd/developer/jsa] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
  • [17:21] == Zaister [zaister@shell2.powershells.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
  • [17:21] <[Chair]Andrew> It's been almost a Year since Anestis set up the forum for us. And I'm happy to say it's almost ready (after a couple of days of focus) to move it to prime time. Also, a new volunteer has stepped forward with good Web experience. So welcome to Marie.
  • [17:22] <[Chair]Andrew> Marie has a couple of degrees in web experience, and sounds to have other coding experience. Anyways, she's setting up a theme for the Forum and tweaking it quite nicely for us. :)
  • [17:22] == variable [root@freebsd/developer/variable] has joined #pcgen
  • [17:22] <Tom[Arch_SB]> nice, and welcome
  • [17:24] <[Chair]Andrew> If the board hasn't checked out the forum, I highly recommend it. The Development - Code section is hot with activity. Kar is actually involved in discussions!
  • [17:25] <James[Code_SB]1> I'll have to sign up then
  • [17:25] == Nirgali42 [~dmart@cpe-96-28-36-107.swo.res.rr.com] has joined #pcgen
  • [17:25] <[Chair]Andrew> Yes, please do.
  • [17:25] <[Web_2nd]Anestis> http://groups.pcgen.org
  • [17:26] <[Chair]Andrew> Beyond that, with 6.4 coming up we should remember to have recognition for the active volunteers this past cycle and have promotions to those that earned it. :)
  • [17:27] <James[Code_SB]1> Indeed
  • [17:27] <James[Code_SB]1> The "Thanks" section in the release notes should list anyone who has contributed code, data, docs etc
  • [17:28] <[Chair]Andrew> Excellent
  • [17:28] <James[Code_SB]1> Please let me know if anyone is missing
  • [17:28] <[Chair]Andrew> With the computer crash, I'd be hard pressed to track down anything beyond two months ago.
  • [17:29] <[Chair]Andrew> I'll look at the list though and if someone appears to be missing, I'll let you know.
  • [17:29] == Nirgali42 [~dmart@cpe-96-28-36-107.swo.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
  • [17:29] <James[Code_SB]1> k. I think I have everything but if you could check the list of pull request contributors that would be great - I don't know all the names
  • [17:30] <[Chair]Andrew> This may be a topic for a later meeting, but I'm considering stepping down as Silverback for Admin to bring new blood on the board.
  • [17:33] <[Chair]Andrew> The reason being, I've been more focused on data specific issues this past cycle then admin. If we can get someone focused on the admin side, that would help the project.
  • [17:33] <[Chair]Andrew> Thoughts?
  • [17:34] <James[Code_SB]1> Yes holding down multiple roles it is hard to give all focus
  • [17:35] <James[Code_SB]1> but you've put a lot of energy into the project, which is greatly appreciated
  • [17:35] <Tom[Arch_SB]> ^^ what he said. I won't be able to phrase it better than James :)
  • [17:36] <[Chair]Andrew> Nice to hear.
  • [17:37] <[Chair]Andrew> Okay, well, I'll give some thoughts to a replacement *nudges Anestis*, and bring this up on the group later.
  • [17:38] <[Chair]Andrew> Any other topics or issues we need to address before wrapping up the meeting?
  • [17:38] <[Web_2nd]Anestis> I was thinking about it. We'll talk later Andrew.
  • [17:38] <[Web_2nd]Anestis> I apologize for not being more involved recently. New job was more energy draining than I anticipated
  • [17:38] <[Chair]Andrew> Jobs tend to do that.
  • [17:39] <[Chair]Andrew> Funny thing, lack of them does the same thing as does school.
  • [17:39] <[Web_2nd]Anestis> But, some good news. I will be changing jobs again (n ew company) with better pay. I think it will give me what I need.
  • [17:39] <Tom[Arch_SB]> Anestis, absolutely no worries... don't stress over it. If you see my posting history it comes and goes
  • [17:39] <Tom[Arch_SB]> congrats!
  • [17:39] <[Chair]Andrew> Yes, Congrats!
  • [17:39] <James[Code_SB]1> Yes congrats
  • [17:39] <[Chair]Andrew> Cyclic posting is good. Means taking breaks
  • [17:40] <[Web_2nd]Anestis> And, hopefully, I can get around to learning Java (I say this every year)
  • [17:40] <[Web_2nd]Anestis> But, on the PCGen side, I'll check this week to see if there's a new version of Tomcat and look at installing it on the server
  • [17:40] <[Web_2nd]Anestis> James, I may need some assistance
  • [17:41] <[Web_2nd]Anestis> But I'll let you know.
  • [17:41] <[Chair]Andrew> Anestis, you may want to talk to Marie as well. See the extent of her web experience.
  • [17:42] <[Web_2nd]Anestis> I will. I think she's more design than systems admin
  • [17:42] <[Web_2nd]Anestis> But I'll fund out
  • [17:43] <[Web_2nd]Anestis> find out
  • [17:43] <[Chair]Andrew> Anything else to discuss? Last call.
  • [17:43] <Tom[Arch_SB]> not from me
  • [17:44] <James[Code_SB]1> None from me
  • [17:44] <[Chair]Andrew> Anestis?
  • [17:44] <[Web_2nd]Anestis> Not form me
  • [17:44] <[Chair]Andrew> Okay, *Bangs gavel* Thanks for coming everyone!