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Revision as of 22:08, 12 October 2012


  • Martijn Verburg (Chair Monkey)
  • David R. Bender (PR 2nd)
  • James Dempsey (Code SB)
  • Tom Parker (Arch SB)


  • On track for prod Release Candidate October 22nd.
  • Code meeting will be scheduled soon for post 6.0 planning

Actual Log:

  • (08:05) karianna: Shall we get started?
  • (08:05) karianna: Yeah it's 5 past
  • (08:05) karianna: OK - James - any blockers on code?
  • (08:06) James[Code_SB]: Nope - I am fixing bugs as they come up and even if I downed tools now I'd be happy to go to prod.
  • (08:07) James[Code_SB]: About 6 weeks ago I set myself the stretch goal of fixing every bug raised this year
  • (08:07) James[Code_SB]: That has basically been achieved
  • (08:08) Papa-DRB: Nice. Question... Are the debug messages going to be removed before rc?
  • (08:08) James[Code_SB]: I've pushed a couple to the backburner as the risk/reward balance wasn't right and have 6 left right now, most of those raised in the last day or two.
  • (08:09) James[Code_SB]: I'll remove the debug for the output (been meaning to do that)
  • (08:09) Papa-DRB: Ok. Thanks.
  • (08:09) James[Code_SB]: but I'll be leaving in the telemetry - loading sources, loading character etc
  • (08:10) Papa-DRB: Yea. Works for me and very useful
  • (08:10) James[Code_SB]: That has turned out to be worth its weight in gold for sorting out issues people report and getting a true indication of what was happening at the time
  • (08:11) James[Code_SB]: Stats since last meeting are Feature request: 22 created and 15 resolved; Bugs: 46 created and 66 resolved
  • (08:11) [Arch_SB]thpr [~Arch_SB]t@c-75-69-32-95.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] entered the room.
  • (08:11) James[Code_SB]: Hi Tom
  • (08:11) [Arch_SB]thpr: hello
  • (08:12) karianna: Wow that's an amazing list
  • (08:12) karianna: And hey Tom!
  • (08:13) karianna: Did you have any comments on the arch at the moment? CDOM seems to be holding up pretty well so far :-)
  • (08:13) [Arch_SB]thpr: this is good :)
  • (08:14) James[Code_SB]: Yeah I'm making good use of the new facet layer and while I have fixed a few issues there, by and large it is holding up really well for such a major restructure
  • (08:14) [Arch_SB]thpr: My only comment would be I've been stunned at the number of tracker changes and commits I've seen going by as a result of effort by the team
  • (08:14) James[Code_SB]: Its been a bit of a frenzy :)
  • (08:15) karianna: James has been killing it on the code front and Andrew is doing his usual volume of data fixes + he found 2-3 new active volunteers, Eric's back cleaning up docs so yeah the svn up every morning has been… large :-0
  • (08:15) [Arch_SB]thpr: I know, that e-mail still goes to my old PC and I had to delete things off the HD yesterday for all of it to fit :D
  • (08:16) karianna: :-)
  • (08:16) karianna: Papa - Do you have any insight on Content? As far as I've talked to Andrew I think the conversion is complete and now it's
  • (08:16) karianna: a matter of small fixes since new code has enabled old data trackers to finally get done
  • (08:17) Papa-DRB: Effectively that is right. I have not turned deprecation msgs back on to check yet.
  • (08:18) Papa-DRB: Sorry for slowness. On mini android and thumb typing is slow..
  • (08:18) James[Code_SB]: You won't see much change in output if you do turn on deprecation message now :)
  • (08:19) karianna: Data conversion win - that's a massive milestone for this project
  • (08:19) karianna: You'll be pleased to know PCGen got gasps of disbelief at JavaOne :-)
  • (08:19) James[Code_SB]: yeah?
  • (08:19) karianna: 750,000 lines of code and it works?!
  • (08:19) karianna: :D
  • (08:20) Papa-DRB: Good gasps?
  • (08:20) James[Code_SB]: :)
  • (08:20) Papa-DRB: Lol
  • (08:20) [Arch_SB]thpr: heh
  • (08:20) karianna: good/bemused/amazed - I made it a point in a talk I gave ~150 devs
  • (08:20) James[Code_SB]: Code size will drop a lot after 6.0 as I take a chainsaw to the old ui package and cut it free
  • (08:20) karianna: Hopefully one or two will join - and yes please!
  • (08:21) James[Code_SB]: That'd be great
  • (08:21) karianna: OK, so on Docs Eric has also been cleaning up long awaited DOC bugs thanks to the new code base and is creating the new screenshots for walkthroughs
  • (08:21) karianna: Dare I say it I think we're almost ready to go to 6.0!
  • (08:22) James[Code_SB]: The drop in rate of bug reports is certainly pointing that way
  • (08:26) karianna: OK - I think that's about it - a couple of new publishers came on board and there's an interesting free to have a link to our permissions wiki page from the sources box - might reduce our support on those Q's
  • (08:27) karianna: Anyone have anything else? If not I'd like to try and set a date where we can do some blue sky thinking on what comes post 6.0 - I know that Tom and James have some pretty firm priorities
  • (08:27) James[Code_SB]: Have to figure out where to put that - might be in the help menu perhaps?
  • (08:28) karianna: @James - The user actually suggested the advanced source list box - if they can't find theirs......
  • (08:28) James[Code_SB]: Just a quick question - everyone is happy with the next beta (and hopefully the last) coming out on Monday?
  • (08:29) Papa-DRB: Yes
  • (08:30) karianna: yep
  • (08:30) James[Code_SB]: Cool
  • (08:30) [Arch_SB]thpr: yes here too, sorry multitasking :/
  • (08:31) Papa-DRB: Me too. Playing with my new grand daughter
  • (08:31) karianna: :-)
  • (08:31) James[Code_SB]: if all goes well I would then put 6.0.0 RC1 out on Monday 22nd
  • (08:32) karianna: Awesome!
  • (08:32) karianna: So quickly then - Tom/James when is a good time for you guys to discuss post 6.0? Or do you want a break until Nov/Dec?
  • (08:33) James[Code_SB]: Happy to do that at any stage
  • (08:33) James[Code_SB]: If the Fri night.Sat morning time slot works then I can do that pretty much any week
  • (08:33) [Arch_SB]thpr: You thinking code team meeting type thing James? or what forum would we use
  • (08:34) James[Code_SB]: Well, possibly an open forum on irc focusing on code plans for next cycle
  • (08:34) James[Code_SB]: I'd mostly like to see what the team wants to do but I am sure there will be requests too
  • (08:34) [Arch_SB]thpr: ok. Not sure I can pick a date off the top of my head that will work
  • (08:35) karianna: Maybe a doodle.com poll to set a date?
  • (08:35) James[Code_SB]: oh never heard of that one
  • (08:35) [Arch_SB]thpr: me either. Looking at it now
  • (08:36) James[Code_SB]: Yep happy to give it a go
  • (08:37) [Arch_SB]thpr: yea, looks ok
  • (08:37) Papa-DRB: Gotta run. Later all.
  • (08:37) James[Code_SB]: cya
  • (08:37) karianna: Cool, I'll leave you guys to it - happy to chime in but since I'm not actively coding <shrug>
  • (08:37) Papa-DRB left the room (quit: Quit: Bye).
  • (08:37) karianna: :-)
  • (08:38) James[Code_SB]: @Kar - did you have your JavaOne talk posted anywhere?
  • (08:39) karianna: Not yet - Oracle has got the audio available in their content catalog - I think that's all we're going to get out of them - I can dig out the link if you like/
  • (08:42) karianna: I'm a bit unflattering to PCGen mind you - although that is referring to the older code base (35K class file? Yep!)
  • (08:42) James[Code_SB]: :) Yes we do have some horrors around
  • (08:42) [Arch_SB]thpr: We're down to like 12K now
  • (08:43) karianna: Yeah I complain about that in my talk "Some goody good went and made it all reasonable ppffft!"
  • (08:43) [Arch_SB]thpr: lol
  • (08:43) karianna: It's a modern software development anti-patterns talk
  • (08:43) [Arch_SB]thpr: I have to go listen to that now
  • (08:43) karianna: let me get the link
  • (08:43) James[Code_SB]: Thanks
  • (08:44) [Arch_SB]thpr: if we have the GUI directly access the facets, we could probably get to where the largest is like 2K, and 1500 of that would be comment lines... :)
  • (08:44) James[Code_SB]: I did find https://blogs.oracle.com/java/entry/talking_javaone_with_rock_star1
  • (08:45) James[Code_SB]: Yes I'll be moving from polling after change to facet event listening over time - currently it is mostly polling/refreshing though
  • (08:46) karianna: Ah cool - and if we had lambdas that would be really nice
  • (08:46) karianna: *this is why we can't have nice things*