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Latest revision as of 01:19, 8 August 2012

  • [18:04] <[Chair]Andrew> Greetings and welcome to the PCGen Board of Directors Meeting on August 7th, 2012
  • [18:05] <[Chair]Andrew> We have a non-quorum and non-showing of anyone else at this time, so it'll be a quick meeting
  • [18:05] <[Chair]Andrew> We'll start with Code Report:
  • [18:05] <[Chair]Andrew> We released the final alpha a few weeks ago and since then my focus has been on getting the final work done for beta. The following tasks are scheduled for inclusion in the beta but have not been completed yet:
  • [18:05] <[Chair]Andrew> T Key Summary Status Assignee
  • [18:05] <[Chair]Andrew> Bug CODE-1523 Description -> Campaign History has Excess White Space Open Open Unassigned
  • [18:05] <[Chair]Andrew> New Feature CODE-1520 cannot filter follower or mount on companion tab Open Open Connor Petty
  • [18:05] <[Chair]Andrew> Bug CODE-1410 LST Converter - Abilities Stripped In Progress In Progress James Dempsey
  • [18:05] <[Chair]Andrew> New Feature CODE-1394 "Load Sources" to indicate overal success of load more visibly Open Open Connor Petty
  • [18:05] <[Chair]Andrew> New Feature CODE-527 Implement I18n on new UI tabs In Progress In Progress James Dempsey
  • [18:06] <[Chair]Andrew> I am making slow progress on CODE-1410 as I have hit a few problems in meshing game mode loading with the LST converter context usage. I am currently finalising a bit of a hack to get the required objects (ability categories and wield categories) directly into the LST converter context. Once done we should be able to do data conversion again. As the LST conversion is a first step for the data team after the start of beta it is essential to have it working.
  • [18:06] <[Chair]Andrew> The other four items are far more in the nice to have range. If they get in for beta it would be nice, but if not then the features would have to be held off for a later 6.0 or 6.1 release. The il8n work is largely complete and just requires a final tidy up of the default, English, properties file to remove now unused entries. So really once we get the LST converter working again we should be clear to do the beta release.
  • [18:06] <[Chair]Andrew> On the team front, Jonas Karlsson (jujutsunerd) has rejoined the team and has offered to look at clean-up and other general bug fixes initially. Welcome back Jonas!
  • [18:06] <[Chair]Andrew> Mike "Merkidemis" Isaacson has also joined the team and has already contributed some great javadoc work. Welcome Mike!
  • [18:06] <[Chair]Andrew>
  • [18:06] <[Chair]Andrew> Cheers,
  • [18:06]
  • [18:06] <[Chair]Andrew> James.
  • [18:06] <[Chair]Andrew> Thanks James for the Report :)
  • [18:06] <[Chair]Andrew> Admin Report:
  • [18:07] <[Chair]Andrew> Trackers - Well, I've gone through quite a bit re-evaluating those for priority. So far, looking great. I've also been sending messages to see where we are at with some of the projects that haven't seen movement in months.
  • [18:08] <[Chair]Andrew> Web - Anestis has been cracking the whip and has a volunteer or two assisting with reviewing the Web Layout and functions
  • [18:08] <[Chair]Andrew> After we go into Beta, I've asked for another crack at the Liferay installation as that had appeared to have a good potential.
  • [18:10] <[Chair]Andrew> Release - James has a blocker Item. I'd also request a stay of going Beta till I get the last three sets I have in the que entered - Ultimate Combat (Being worked on by yours truly); Ultimate Magic (Review Process - Currently in License); Orcs of Golarion - License Review and Data Review looked good. It may be a week or more for me to finish the Ultimate Combat, depends on how functional we want it. But in either case I'd like to get it out the door with the next release.
  • [18:11] <[Chair]Andrew> Content Report:
  • [18:11] <[Chair]Andrew> Docs - Eric has been reviewing and updating as they cross his radar. Nothing major to report here
  • [18:12] <[Chair]Andrew> OS - The Companion Sheet looks good, but needs improvement - I'm moving it to a Fixer in Beta, as the Data is taking a front burner of my available time
  • [18:12] <[Chair]Andrew> Data - Three sets coming through the pipe as almost ready and top priorities for release.
  • [18:13] <[Chair]Andrew> I've also done a MASSIVE time consuming project in converting the RSRD Supplements using SAB to Ability objects. As well as changing from ADD:FEAT to BONUS:ABILITYPOOL. The Race files and misc still need to be done, but except for the Neiyar set, this is practically done.
  • [18:14] <[Chair]Andrew> Most of the rest of the bug and freqs are waiting on some form of Code Support.
  • [18:14] <[Chair]Andrew> PR Report: I don't have anything from Paul Grosse or David Bender.
  • [18:14] <[Chair]Andrew> Arch Report: I don't have anything from Tom Parker.
  • [18:15] <[Chair]Andrew> As there are no other participants to ask questions, I move to adjourn this meeting.
  • [18:15] <[Chair]Andrew> Thanks for attending. Meeting Adjourned. *Bangs Gavel*