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Latest revision as of 01:32, 27 June 2012


  • James Dempsey - Code SB
  • Andrew Maitland - Admin SB and Acting Chair
  • David Bender - PR 2nd, Advert


  • Kar
  • TiBook
  • Edheldil

  • [18:07] <@AndrewAAM> Welcome everyone to the non-quorum Board of Director's Meeting on June 26th, at 6pm (Pacific Daylight Savings time)
  • [18:07] <@AndrewAAM> Our agenda tonight is focused on the release of 6.0 and the progress of the New UI.
  • [18:08] <@AndrewAAM> Team Reports - I can summarize for Content and Admin (Not too much activity - Some Docs work).
  • [18:09] <@AndrewAAM> Papa - you have any summaries for PR?
  • [18:09] <PapaDRB[Ad_2nd]> Last release 5.17.15 was announced in all the usual places. When we go to RC for 6.0, I'll also do a "scoop" for ENWorld
  • [18:09] <PapaDRB[Ad_2nd]> Other than that, all calm
  • [18:10] <@AndrewAAM> Awesome, okay James over to you for the main crunch.
  • [18:10] <James[Code_SB]1> Code Report 27 June 2012
  • [18:10] <James[Code_SB]1> Activity since last meeting:
  • [18:10] <James[Code_SB]1> * Feature requests: 0 created and 3 resolved
  • [18:10] <James[Code_SB]1> * Code bugs: 3 created and 21 resolved
  • [18:10] <James[Code_SB]1> * New tags: 0 created and 1 resolved
  • [18:10] <James[Code_SB]1> With all the major tabs in place, I've been doing some tidying up of the new UI and getting things working smoothly. I've started work on integrating the new chooser UI into the chooser system. Once done I think we will be clear for beta.
  • [18:10] <@AndrewAAM> ETA?
  • [18:11] <James[Code_SB]1> On the release front I'd expect one more alpha in a couple of weeks followed by a couple of betas then a release candidate.
  • [18:11] <James[Code_SB]1> If anyone has features that they are keen to see go in, the next week or so is when to request them or bump then.
  • [18:11] <James[Code_SB]1> Likewise if you have something new you are working on, deadline will be approx 3 weeks to have it in the 6.0 release.
  • [18:11] <James[Code_SB]1> After that we will be doing bug fixes before the prod release.
  • [18:12] <James[Code_SB]1> So I'm aiming for mid August for the 6.0 release
  • [18:12] <James[Code_SB]1> Any questions?
  • [18:12] <@AndrewAAM> Sounds Excellent.
  • [18:13] <@AndrewAAM> Time to prod our other developers to get those features in before we go beta in 3 weeks then. :)
  • [18:13] <James[Code_SB]1> Yep
  • [18:14] <@AndrewAAM> Alright, Open Forum as I've got nothing else on the radar. Lurkers feel free to ask any questions.
  • [18:14] <James[Code_SB]1> I assume the same covers OS and data too - docs and PR aren't affected
  • [18:14] <@AndrewAAM> Only major OS is what you've requested for the Companions.
  • [18:14] <@AndrewAAM> I still need to pare that down for you.
  • [18:15] <James[Code_SB]1> Ah yes :)
  • [18:15] <@AndrewAAM> Data - just New Sources people want to see go in. I'll send a comment again to the monkeys.
  • [18:16] <James[Code_SB]1> Thanks
  • [18:16] <@AndrewAAM> I do have ONE major freq
  • [18:17] <@AndrewAAM> We need something to kill known duplicates if we're going to implement Stefan's method since the PF books are becoming unweildy in their proliferate duplicates
  • [18:17] <@AndrewAAM> As a monkey data debugger, this is an absolute must.
  • [18:17] <James[Code_SB]1> Do we have a proposal for that yet?
  • [18:17] <James[Code_SB]1> It is getting late in the day for major changes, so I am a bit worried by it
  • [18:18] <@AndrewAAM> I mentioned it with Stefan and he was working on it, but that was a few weeks back and nothing heard about it.
  • [18:18] <@AndrewAAM> I'll email him and see about him getting something in place, all I'm looking for is a suppressing of dupe errors that the PCC says are okay.
  • [18:19] <@AndrewAAM> akin to FORWARDREF if you want scope
  • [18:19] <@AndrewAAM> Otherwise, debugging sets is becoming an aggravation that I don't want to do with PF sets, since I get a Wall of Text.
  • [18:19] <James[Code_SB]1> right, but despite the propsal sounding simple it will still need to be assessed for complexity
  • [18:20] <@AndrewAAM> I'll pop something up on JIRA and let Stefan fix it as I've only got the idea, not the inner workings.
  • [18:21] <James[Code_SB]1> Thanks
  • [18:27] <@AndrewAAM> Okay, bare bone proposal is set up.
  • [18:27] <@AndrewAAM> And it doesn't seem as if we have any other topics.
  • [18:27] <James[Code_SB]1> Thanks for that
  • [18:27] <@AndrewAAM> *Bangs Gavel* Meeting adjourned. Thanks for coming everyone.