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Latest revision as of 05:35, 27 October 2010

Hi Folks,

Recap - At this point we discussed the master control file (pcc), we've gone over building races, hit the rules on lst coding, discussed and built an actual class, built some abilities, integrated variables, and even learned about ability categories (ability pools).

http://wiki.pcgen.org/Data_Class_One_FAQ has questions and answers from Data Class #1, feel free to add your own questions if any from Data Class #1 there.

Today we're going to discuss Global vs. Local Tag (Tokens when talking to the coders); we're going to make some equipment and see modifiers (Characters feel naked without their toys). Also, we'll play more with variables throughout as that is something I definitely want to get everyone used to dealing with.

Local vs. Global

A local tag is one that only works in a certain file or limited set of files. Those tags are local since we can't use them everywhere. An example of this would be

BONUS:WEAPON < This tag may only be used in the Equipment File and the Equipment Modifier File. An astute person would point out that this is used in the GameMode File, but again that's a limited file set.

BONUS:COMBAT < is an example of a Global file. You may use this file almost anywhere. A Global file can be used in most files, there are always exceptions but that's the generalization.

- Tip - When using the Tag Index be aware what files they will work in. Nothing is more frustrating then setting up a tag, and finding it is not working.


Equipment is the mainstay of many sources. Most characters thrive and live by the equipment they own.

Here's some rules that will make item creation easier on you.

  • You only need two tags, Name and TYPE. Everything else is optional.
  • Weapons - You Need to have in the TYPE 'Weapon' and whether it's 'Melee' or 'Ranged'. You also need to designate the Proficiency it uses.
  • Armor - Need to designate TYPE as 'Armor' and whether it's 'Heavy', 'Medium' or 'Light'
  • Containers need the TYPE 'Container' along with the CONTAINS tag.
  • Items that go in certain body slots need to use the correct TYPE for that slot.
  • We have other functions, like including 'Magic' will bold the item to indicate it's a magic item.
  • For the BONUS tags, a 'TYPE=' at/or near the end is assigning the TYPE of Bonus. This is important for PCGen to follow Stacking Rules.

Okay, now that I've covered a few of the common rules for equipment, let's make a few items.

Open your Equipment File.

I want to make a sword, a magic belt and armor.

  • Monkey Sword
  • TYPE:Weapon.Melee.Slashing.Magic.Sword
  • DAMAGE:1d12
  • WIELD:TwoHanded
  • DEFINE:MonkeyPower|0
  • SPROP:Sword Enhancement is %|MonkeyPower|PREVAREQ:MonkeyPower,1
  • SPROP:Sword Enhancement is %, has Holy, and Flaming properties|MonkeyPower|PREVARGTEQ:MonkeyPower,2
  • BONUS:WEAPON|TOHIT,DAMAGE|MonkeyPower|TYPE=Enhancement
  • COST:15000
  • WT:15

Okay, instead of me explaining this one, Barak requested I quiz everyone to see if they retained anything from the previous lesson. There is a quiz I give after the EQMOD lesson. I'll be happy to explain everything in the following lesson, or at least the FAQ for this class.

  • Monkey Insane Belt
  • TYPE:Belt.Magic
  • BONUS:STAT|WIS|-10|!PREDEITY:1,Monkey Overdeity
  • ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Belt Goodness|!PREDEITY:1,Monkey Overdeity
  • COST:200000

Okay, I'm taking a break, we've seen a lot of PRExxx tags, any tag with PRE as of today is short for PREREQUISITE. In PCGen we tell PCGen what the ITEM in question must be, PREFEAT means look at the Character's Feats or Lack thereof. PREABILITY, PREDEITY, etc. The character either needs the item or not. Any time you see a '!' in front of the PRExxx that means the opposite.

  •  !PREFEAT:1,Dodge
  • vs.
  • PREFEAT:1,Dodge

First one is You can't have Dodge, second one is you have to have Dodge.

-TIP- PREVAR will not take a '!', it has the functions covered with LT, LTEQ, GTEQ, GT, EQ, NEQ.

Finally, we need armor:

  • Monkey Plate
  • TYPE:Armor.Light.Natural
  • SPROP:Made from the Elder Tree Bark, this tough yet flexible suit is the envy of any proper monkey warrior.
  • BONUS:COMBAT|AC|4|TYPE=ArmorEnhancement
  • COST:150000
  • WT:10

Okay, that's the Equipment file. Equipment Modifiers is another file. Let's open that up...


EQMODS are simply add-ons for equipment, think of them as the Feats or Templates of the Equipment world, most have a cost that is included in the equipment file cost.

I'll put a couple here first: (These are from the RSRD and MSRD, and I ended up discovering we had a typo, which I've since fixed)

  • +1 (Enhancement to Weapon or Ammunition)
  • TYPE:Ammunition.Weapon
  • PLUS:1
  • ITYPE:Masterwork.Enhancement.Magic.Plus1
  • SOURCEPAGE:RSRD SpecialMaterials.rtf
  • PRETYPE:1,Ammunition,Weapon
  • BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Ammunition|6|!PRETYPE:1,EQMODTYPE=MasterworkQuality
  • BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Weapon|300|!PRETYPE:1,EQMODTYPE=MasterworkQuality

  • # Our Next EQMOD
  • +5 (Enhancement to Armor)
  • TYPE:Armor
  • PLUS:5
  • ITYPE:Masterwork.Enhancement.Magic.Plus5
  • SOURCEPAGE:RSRD SpecialMaterials.rtf
  • PRETYPE:1,Armor
  • BONUS:COMBAT|AC|5|TYPE=ArmorEnhancement
  • BONUS:ITEMCOST|TYPE=Armor|150|!PRETYPE:1,EQMODTYPE=MasterworkQuality

  • # And another
  • Wood
  • TYPE:BaseMaterial.Mundane.Ammunition.Armor.Shield.Weapon.Instruments.Tools.Goods
  • COST:0
  • ITYPE:Wooden
  • SOURCEPAGE:msrdcombat.rtf
  •  !PRETYPE:1,Metal

Those are the normal EQMODs we have, of course there are a ton more, but those are three I'm referencing in our items.

Let's see, we can break these down -

  • PRExxx we already covered as must meet the PREREQUISITES.
  • ASSIGNTOALL is for Double Head Weapons.
  • TYPE is an interesting one, it acts as a qualifier as well. The TYPE of the EQMOD must Match the Item in question to be applied to, which is why you see 'Armor' or 'Shield' or 'Weapon' listed. It also serves for qualifying for the PRExxx stuff. It's a TYPE Mundane, which would disqualify it for any item having !PRETYPE:1,EQMODTYPE=Mundane.
  • NAMEOPT is another tag that controls where the Name appears in the Item Name.
  • PLUS is a nice tag in that it allows us to follow the cost rules for adding PLUSES vs. Cost onto an item. You shouldn't have COST and PLUS on the same eqmod, as that would defeat the purpose.
  • EQMODs ALWAYS use a KEY, and the Standard rule of thumb is they be done in All CAPS, no spaces. Spacing can be done with underscore '_'.


I'd like everyone to take a moment and answer these the best they can. In this case there is a correct answer. I'm doing this is to help everyone understand the Variables and understand rules interactions in PCGen. Remember your basic d20 rules, and you should do fine.

Hint: All the answers are present in this lesson.

  • What is the Enhancement Bonus of the Sword at Level 1?
  • What is the Enhancement Bonus of the Sword at Level 4?
  • What is the Enhancement Bonus of the Sword at Level 7?
  • What is the Enhancement Bonus of the Sword at Level 15?
  • When does the Sword gain the Holy and Flaming property?
  • Does the Sword lose the Holy and Flaming property at any level?
  • What happens at Level 4 for the Sword?
  • What is the Armor Total AC (this includes any bonuses granted from the armor)?
  • What is the Armor Enhancement Total?
  • What did we forget to do for the Monkey Belt?

The Answers will be provided in the next Class.

Remember, most of the answers you seek can be found in either the original previous classes located in the documents, or the List Tag Index also located in the documents. If you don't find them there, please ask me and I'll post them along with the answers on the FAQ for that lesson.


-- Andrew Maitland