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Latest revision as of 18:46, 26 October 2010

Hi, Andrew,

OK, here are some questions on your first lesson. I’ll tackle the second lesson today or tomorrow.

  • RANK
    • In most cases one is making data to enhance/add on to some set of core rules. In such a case, wouldn’t one want to make RANK as big a number as possible so that this supplementary material loads last?

We have a precise number for the rank depending on the type of set.

  • TYPE
    • TYPE statements have the syntax TYPE:a.b.c. Precisely what can go into each of these parameter slots? For comparison, in the RANK:a tag, a can only equal an integer in the range 1-9. In the GAMEMODE:a tag, a can only be something defined in the 'ALLOWEDMODES' tag. What is allowed for TYPE’s parameters?
    • ANSWER = Any Alphanumeric May go in a TYPE a-z, A-Z, 0-9. For the PCC remember, this is for displaying in the advanced load screen. The Format is <Publisher.TypeOfBook.AdditionalIfNeeded> in most cases You only need the first two. For an Alpha Set (Any set located in the Alpha Folder) gets the 'Alpha Set' or 'Alpha' designation first, so all folks know this is still potentially buggy.

    • What is the difference between selecting Pathfinder and Pathfinder_RPG?
    • ANSWER = The Game Mode was set up to use either name as a valid gamemode. There is no difference as far as PCGen is concerned.

  • PCC
    • Since this tag is usually used to bring in a set of core rules defined elsewhere, is it important to have it be first in the list of files to be loaded? Or will the RANK tag within the referenced PCC file control the load order?
    • ANSWER = I don't believe order of appearance in the PCC file will make a difference. However, RANK for any pcc file loaded from within the pcc won't matter to my knowledge, the RANK of the originating pcc is the one used.

    • Why are these tags enclosed in parentheses? I haven’t seen that syntax anywhere else.
    • ANSWER = Older Syntax format from the coders that put in that code. ADD tags used to have the same format as well. We've been slowly changing the Syntax to a more universal format, but such things do take time.

  • Comments
    • Just a note on documentation formatting: I think that the formatting of the second RACE and FEAT tags in the example does not conform to the documentation standards. They spill over to two lines, so their second lines should be indented, right?
    • ANSWER = The fun with emails, and any word wrap feature. Those should be all on one line. The Race with the MOD would be a second line since you don't place the mod on the original. That would defeat the purpose of the MOD. For Display Purposes each Tag is it's own indented line to make it easier to read.

  • Other Tags
    • While reviewing other PCC files I have seen other tags used, including:
    • ANSWER = Hides those designated TYPEs from view in the GUI. (Applies to Feats and Abilities universally)
    • LOGO
    • ANSWER = path to a picture for the campaign logo
    • COVER
    • ANSWER = path to a picture for the book
    • ANSWER = when the source was publisher - month and year format
    • ANSWER = it's a PRExxx tag, those are covered in the tag index.
    • ANSWER = Covered in the docs. Not used for anything today.
    • ANSWER = Covered in the docs. It is used with the PRECAMPAIGN for the BOOKTYPE stuff. Core, Supplement, Web are all the usual ones used.
    • GENRE
    • ANSWER = Covered in the docs. Not used for anything today.
    • ANSWER = Anything with a '#' at the beginning of the line is strictly a comment line.

    • Will we be covering them?
  • ANSWER = We can cover those if need be, however the tag index covers those quite well, that they should be self-explanatory.

