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Latest revision as of 03:34, 26 October 2010

[This is a RAW unedited for wiki transcript sent to the new recruits via email]

Hi Folks,

Okay, For those that prefer another medium, I'll try to accommodate, but I'm figuring emailing [11] eleven of you is easier, and then those who like the other mediums we can work on that. [Those that don't wish to get the lessons, may email me direct and I'll stop including you in the instructional emails - I'm including Barak and Kar so they know what's going on].

By this point you should all be signed up on the Wiki (wiki.pcgen.org).

You should have selected an appropriate text editor (one can be found here > http://wiki.pcgen.org/Text_Editors )

And hopefully you've been checking / reading the docs > http://pcgen.sourceforge.net/autobuilds/pcgen-docs/index.html

and the section we'll be doing a quick review will be here > http://pcgen.sourceforge.net/autobuilds/pcgen-docs/listfilepages/lstfileclass/lstfileclass_heading.html

From this point forward (Unless you're advanced in LST knowledge) I'll be asking you to edit your homebrew files > As of 5.16.4+ found in your PCGen program folder under > 'data/homebrew/my_dataset' inside is the homebrew files - both lst and pcc. All of them are named according to function, this illustrates the standardized naming convention. These are yours. I'd recommend copying the entire folder and renaming it "lst_monkey_training", this will do two things, one, it's now a folder and shows you that creating new folders aren't hard, and two, it will prevent your files from being overwritten.

Since we have classes on the following in the docs, I'll only touch on them briefly before covering the items NOT already in the documents.

In the docs we have classes for:

Lesson #1: The PCC File - Campaign Information

   Discusses the tags used to identify configuration information for a "Campaign".

Lesson #2: The PCC File - Basic File Types

   Discusses the tags used to call the basic LST file types.

Lesson #3: The LST File - Fundamentals of Race Building, Part 1

   Discusses tags used to identify race types, size, hit dice and movement for a "Race".

Lesson #4: The LST File - Fundamentals of Race Building, Part 2

   Discusses combat related tags for a "Race".

Lesson #5: The LST File - Fundamentals of Race Building, Part 3

   Discusses the tags used to grant "Special Attacks" and "Special Qualities" to a "Race".

Lesson #6: The LST File - Fundamentals of Race Building, Part 4

   Discusses tha tags used to define the skills, feats, advancement, and physical slots for a "Race".

Lesson #7: The LST File - Basics of Spell Creation

   Discusses the tags used to create the basic "Spell".

Lesson #8: Gamemode Files - Biosettings

   Discusses the tags used to set the age, height, and weight for the races.

Lesson #9: The LST File - Weapon Proficiencies

   Discusses the tags used to define the "Weapon Proficiencies" for your campaign.

Lesson #10: The LST File - Creating Languages

   Discusses the tags used to create a "Language" for your campaign.

Lesson #11: The LST File - Default Monster Kits

   Discusses the tags used to create a "Default Monster Kit".

Lesson #12: The LST File - Basic Feat Setup

   Discusses the tags used to create the basic "Feat" to your campaign.

Lesson #13: The LST File - Setting Prerequirements for Feats

   Discusses the tags used to restrict access to feats.

Lesson #14: The LST File - Deities

   Discusses the tags used to create a basic "Deity" to your campaign.

Lesson #15: The LST File - Basic Domain Creation

   Discusses the tags used to creating a basic "Domain".

Lesson #16: The LST File - Advanced Domain Topics

   Discussing the tags used to add "Special Powers" to your domains.

Lesson #17: Feats to Abilities, The Basic Conversion

   Discussing the files and tags required to convert the simpler FEAT objects to ABILITY objects.

Lesson #18: Converting HD and LEVEL Template Tags

   Discussing the tags used to implement the functionality of the deprecated HD and LEVEL template tags.


Let's begin with the pcc file, without that you don't have anything to load in pcgen.

I'm going to touch upon a few important things that will mess you up early if you aren't aware of it.

- Please open your browser to > http://pcgen.sourceforge.net/autobuilds/pcgen-docs/listfilepages/lstfileclass/lfc_lesson01_pcc.html

Please do read the lesson, again I'm going to hit upon items that will assist you in being successful and hopefully frustration free.

CAMPAIGN < That is the Name that will be displayed in the Advanced Load Screen. The Basic Screen only displays pre-made Campaigns for new users, your set will only be accessible if you are using the Advanced Load Screen, OR, if you set it up to be loaded by the Basic Loader.

GAMEMODE < This is the crucial tag, for those of you interested in doing Pathfinder, you need to change the GAMEMODE to 'Pathfinder'.

-- Advanced Tip -- When trying to figure out the Gamemode name, look in the system/gamemode/<name>/miscinfo.lst Find the tag 'ALLOWEDMODES' that will list the gamemode name(s).

For the Pathfinder you'll see:


I suggest you use 'Pathfinder'

-- Advanced Trick -- Hiding a PCC from all view can be accomplished by omitting the GAMEMODE tag. This is only useful for advanced uses, which I will cover (If I remember by that point) in a much later 'advanced' class.

TYPE < this is an ORDER dependent tag for the PCC, 'Homebrew' is likely the first one you'll use, but for official sets, it's <Publisher>.<BookType>.<Extra>.

For the Pathfinder Folks, it'd look like this:




(Chronicles and others have various changes, but that should give you an idea.

That's my overview for the PCC Lesson 1.

PCC Lesson #2

Please redirect your browser to > http://pcgen.sourceforge.net/autobuilds/pcgen-docs/listfilepages/lstfileclass/lfc_lesson02_pcc.html

Overview - This is how PCGen knows what files to load, and what type of files they are.

Here is my pointers to everyone here. ALWAYS name your files in a SIMPLE manner, using all lowercase and all spaces are underscores '_'

I had one gentlemen who couldn't load his file cause he had something like this: CLASS:My_Name's_ExtraLong_Complicated_and_Wordy_class.lst That is an Example of what NOT to do.

The naming is normally <shortbookname>_<fileType>_<extraOptional>.lst

So, if I'm calling a class file


In our files you'll see we break apart group types to make maintenance easier.

CLASS:homebrew_class_prestige.lst CLASS:homebrew_class_base.lst

Other than that, Lesson #2 is fairly self explanatory.

Debugging, always make sure the file name matches EXACTLY, hence the rule to always use lowercase.

= Recap so far:

PCC file and how it's used. Reasons why you'll have issues with a homebrew pcc and what steps to take to have a hassle free set up.

I tend to enjoy writing lengthy emails, but realize that some might not have time for lengthy email reading. So I'll end here. Feel free to read the rest of the lessons at your leisure.

Next Class I'll be having you create your own Class, Race and Feats. This will be simple enough to start with.

I do hope this is helpful, if you need pictures or another instruction method DO LET ME KNOW.

[Also any feedback is appreciated - This is my first time instructing a large group, if you like/dislike, have any constructive criticisms, etc, please send it my way.]


-- Andrew Maitland