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Revision as of 18:30, 26 August 2010

I think this is nice and clear, but I've been wrong before.

This is the working-spec for Conditional skills. I'm on my second version, hence the Mk2 in the header.

Tir Gwaith LST Chimp

Skill Conditionals Spec I) LST Tags (in skills.lst) A) CONDITIONAL:<primary skill name> 1) Makes this a Conditional skill that is checked in UI (see part XXX) 2) Links the skill to the primary skill, useful for RANKS, and listing on OS a) Grabs all BONUS:SKILL|<primary>|X and applies it to the skill b) Not currently looking at grabbing RANKS from primary (see B) B) RANKS:<YES/NO/INHERIT/PRIMARY> 1) YES is Default - user can purchase skill ranks with point pool 2) NO - user can not purchase any ranks in the skill Note: BONUS:SKILLRANK would still work, limited by Max Rank as usual 3) INHERIT/PRIMARY - a) Haven't come up with a good name for this option, Same as NO, but grabs RANKS from parent skill. b) Basically, the RANK for the skill is always the same as the parent c) To allow Ranks to be added, but also use primary skill ranks, use BONUS:SKILLRANK and allow RANKS:YES C) Specifically not using TYPE tag to keep it off the TYPE tree, etc 1) these entries should not have normal TYPE tags to prevent BONUS:SKILL|TYPE.x| from applying twice 2) Suggest using TYPE:Conditional, with possibly HIDETYPE:Conditional D) No coded limitation on skill name, suggested (release standard) would be to have <Primary name> (<condition-name>) Examples 1) Climb (Using Rope) - Synergy from Use Rope, etc. 2) Appraise (Woodworking) - Synergy from appropriate Craft skill... - Yes, there would be one per Craft skill for this... 3) Use Magic Device (Scrolls) - Synergy from Decipher Script, etc 4a) Use Rope (Bind someone) - Synergy from Escape Artist 4b) Escape Artist (from rope bonds) - synergy from Use Rope Stone Cunning to Search, Craft, etc... II) UI (skills tab) A) Selection on Skills Tab, near Include Skills, to include Conditionals or not 1) Either Checkbox for Conditionals, or dropdown, or options for more 2) Depends on Real Estate available, or what users want (so respond to this if you have a preference) a) Zaister is leaning towards a checkbox currently. B) Do not show or gray out if there are no skills loaded have CONDITIONAL tag in them. III) Core A) Preference to turn compare to Primary skill Modifier Off (default On) B) On skill listing, for both Export (before going to OS, so no effect there), Preview, and UI tab 1) compare CONDITIONAL skills final modifier to Primary Skill's modifier. 2) If different, display Conditional skill (displays anyway if Preference is checked)