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Revision as of 02:48, 6 January 2010

Hi Folks,

This section is for updating older homebrew LST files to use the current standards. This is a work in progress. Any questions ask on the PCGen Yahoo Group.

First off we'll need PrettyLST for earlier versions of PCGen

You can get it here <<>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcgen/files/PrettyLst/v%201.39%20build%208180/prettylst_1-39_build-8180.zip/download <<>>

Next, to run PrettyLST you'll need ActivePerl <<>> Link Placeholder <<>>

For 5.12 to 5.14 you'll want Barak's Script from here <<>> Link Placeholder <<>>

5.14 and beyond will have a Converter included with PCGen. That Version of PCGen will update any files from the previous version. 5.16 converter will bring 5.14 files forward to 5.16 standards. Etc.