Difference between revisions of "Meeting 2013 02 01"

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(Created page with "AGENDA: * Data upgrade to 6.0.x stds - progress report * 6.0.1 release plan * 6.1.0 scope definition (James did want to release more regularly - we should do that) * Gencon -...")
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
* Data upgrade to 6.0.x stds - progress report
* Data upgrade to 6.0.x stds - progress report
* 6.0.1 release plan
* 6.0.1 release plan
* 6.1.0 scope definition (James did want to release more regularly - we should do that)
* 6.2 roadmap scope definition (James did want to release more regularly - we should do that)
* Gencon - can the community bootstrap us there?  Can we Kickstarter or similar?
* Gencon - can the community bootstrap us there?  Can we Kickstarter or similar?
* Misc - including updates on new game mode support (forget it's name) and the tablet version of PCGen that a new volunteer has started/continued  
* Misc - including updates on new game mode support (KILLSHOT) and the tablet version of PCGen that a new volunteer has started/continued  
* CHAIR - Andrew Maitland
* CHAIR - Andrew Maitland
* ARCH SB - Tom Parker
* ARCH SB - Tom Parker
* PR Advert 2nd - David Bender
* PR Advert 2nd - David Bender
* Constant aka Trout
* Constant aka Trout
* jujutsunerd
* jujutsunerd
* rlmw
* rlmw
* RurounKakita
* RurounKakita
* Jami
* Swiftbrook (Joined during last agenda item)
'''Unable to Attend:'''
* James (SB CODE)
* Kar (Chair)
* Eric (Doc 2nd)
Known Absent:
* James
* Discussed the agenda items. No quorum available, GenCon items deferred to Board Members to weigh in.
* Paul Grosse to investigate if GenCon has a free table for flyers.
* Andrew and Tom will collaborate Killshot Code / UI and other issues discovered and bring James into the discussion on how best to implement.
* James to do an ALPHA release 6.1.1 this weekend.
* [14:00] <@[Chair]Drew> Howdy, I've got 1400 hours here. Shall we begin?
* [14:00] <[Arch_SB]thpr> We expecting anyone else?
* [14:00] <@[Chair]Drew> I know James isn't going to make it
* [14:00] <@[Chair]Drew> I don't know about Eric or Paul
* [14:00] <[Arch_SB]thpr> ok
* [14:01] <[Arch_SB]thpr> let's go then
* [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> *Bangs Gavel* Welcome to our Board of Directors Meeting, February 1st, 2013
* [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> Our Agenda Items today are:
* [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> * Data upgrade to 6.0.x stds - progress report
* [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> * 6.0.1 release plan
* [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> * 6.1.0 scope definition (James did want to release more regularly - we should do that)
* [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> * Gencon - can the community bootstrap us there?  Can we Kickstarter or similar?
* [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> * Misc - including updates on new game mode support (forget it's name) and the tablet version of PCGen that a new volunteer has started/continued
* [14:02] <@[Chair]Drew> Looks like the first item is mine, I'll start.
* [14:03] <@[Chair]Drew> Data - I'm 3/4 of the way finished with the 3.5e monster ability full description. I hope to have this finished tonight. I'm glad I did as it's shown we had quite a few errors in what certain creatures were granted.
* [14:03] <@[Chair]Drew> I've already given James the green light to do a release at any time as this isn't a blocker item.
* [14:05] <@[Chair]Drew> I'll review Pathfinder, but I think we've been pretty good about giving them full descriptions so that shouldn't require any attention. 3e, I haven't seen anybody express any full expectations on it, so I'm going to skip 3e at this time as I don't think it's worth the effort at this point (Haven't had a report or feedback it's used much).
* [14:06] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Part of my homebrew is based off SRD, but that's one anecdote and I agree with the decision to skip for now
* [14:06] <@[Chair]Drew> Once I'm done, I'm happy with the Data side of things. I've been squashing bugs that Matt Chambers has been submitting, but those also aren't block worthy items. Mainly cosmetic and more custom options these last few ones.
* [14:07] <@[Chair]Drew> Any questions regard the data upgrade?
* [14:07] <[Arch_SB]thpr> not from me
* [14:08] <@[Chair]Drew> (I'm not sure if David is present, he changed the name to what it is now a few minutes before start)
* [14:08] <@[Chair]Drew> Next agenda item - 6.0.1 Release Plan.
* [14:09] <David_watch_gran> Here. Barely. Watching granddaufhter. Wife has her now
* [14:09] <@[Chair]Drew> I know James and I discussed releasing an ALPHA 6.1.1 to the public for testing all the upgrades and changes for a week or two, before release of 6.0.1 for the code fixes and data changes back port.
* [14:10] <@[Chair]Drew> Tom - Were you aware of anything else from your talks with James?
* [14:10] <@[Chair]Drew> Finally, I know that James will do the alpha release this weekend - which I'm for.
* [14:10] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Nope.  We'll have to do a final pass on any bugs that needs to be backported
* [14:11] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I may have done one fix I didn't backport, so I will check that
* [14:11] <@[Chair]Drew> Okay, sounds good. We can let James report back if there is any change on that front then.
* [14:11] <[Arch_SB]thpr> agree on 6.1.1 - I'm ready whenever
* [14:12] <@[Chair]Drew> Next item - 6.1.0 scope definition (James did want to release more regularly - we should do that)
* [14:12] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Which is really 6.1.1?
* [14:12] <[Arch_SB]thpr> since we changed the numbering?
* [14:12] <@[Chair]Drew> Correct
* [14:12] <@[Chair]Drew> to avoid confusion
* [14:12] <@[Chair]Drew> Anyways, the Alpha/Beta toward a 6.2 release
* [14:12] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Or is this referring to scope of 6.2.0 which the code team scoped its piece in the meeting a bit ago?
* [14:13] *** Jami has joined #pcgen
* [14:13] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I think the scope of 6.1.1 is pretty set if we're planning to release this weekend :)
* [14:13] <@[Chair]Drew> Also correct
* [14:13] <@[Chair]Drew> And correct... Man Tom flinging the zingers today
* [14:13] <[Arch_SB]thpr> (long week)
* [14:13] <[Arch_SB]thpr> So on 6.2.0
* [14:13] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Do we have an intended data scope?
* [14:14] <@[Chair]Drew> Okay, so Scope of 6.2 - I think more frequent releases is good
* [14:14] <@[Chair]Drew> Roadmap for Data is always in the air
* [14:14] <[Arch_SB]thpr> well, we should try to pin something down based on the tentative schedule we have for 6.2
* [14:14] <@[Chair]Drew> Since our man power is limited, it's whatever a volunteer happens to pick up. However
* [14:14] <@[Chair]Drew> Killshot is a goal of 6.2
* [14:14] <[Arch_SB]thpr> ok
* [14:15] <@[Chair]Drew> We have several Paizo and third party products for Paizo we have in progress currently.
* [14:15] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Which you and I have both been looking at, and we'll need to have some code discusssions on things that may be required
* [14:15] <[Arch_SB]thpr> (I was referring to Killshot)
* [14:15] <@[Chair]Drew> (Agreed)
* [14:16] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I need to tap James for a discussion or two though since I think much of that impacts the UI, and that's just not my area of expertise
* [14:16] <@[Chair]Drew> Once Killshot is finished, I normally find a set that needs attention from a Chimp and see about getting it in.
* [14:16] <@[Chair]Drew> Yes, we do need James to jump into the discussions or Connor P.
* [14:17] <@[Chair]Drew> Other than that, defining a scope for the Data team is hard to nail down. I know what I can commit, but we haven't had a data team meeting where I could get any members to show up and see where they are.
* [14:18] <@[Chair]Drew> OS - Roadmap - Definitely waiting on the Template Engine before I hammer much out there EXCEPT for what I can feasibly do for Killshot
* [14:18] <@[Chair]Drew> Any other questions or comment on the 6.2 roadmap scope and release?
* [14:20] <[Arch_SB]thpr> not from me
* [14:20] <@[Chair]Drew> Next Item - Gencon - can the community bootstrap us there? Can we Kickstarter or similar?
* [14:20] <David_watch_gran> Me neither
* [14:22] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I don't think we have the lead time to plan and execute a kickstarter.  my opinion
* [14:22] <[Arch_SB]thpr> given what it would take to do that and line up rewards and all
* [14:22] <@[Chair]Drew> So here is the question I have. Is it better to have a booth we man at GenCon or is an info table with a flyer a better word spreading option?
* [14:22] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I'm also skeptical on getting to the funding requirement
* [14:22] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Is there a cost difference?  I'm not familiar with the info booth thing
* [14:22] <@[Chair]Drew> I'm going to agree. We're a little late to put together the funds.
* [14:23] <@[Chair]Drew> Booth/Table is expensive, we missed the early reg deadline to save a modest $200.00
* [14:24] <[Arch_SB]thpr> well, if the cost is the same then it's probably better to have people there if we have people going
* [14:24] <@[Chair]Drew> An info table is a 'free' table where people leave pamphlets and flyers.
* [14:24] <[Arch_SB]thpr> The issue is the dollars
* [14:24] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Ah, ok
* [14:24] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I think that's probably the level we can afford
* [14:25] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Of course, really need a quorum meeting to decide that
* [14:25] <@[Chair]Drew> DunDraCon I normally attend has a freebie table where you leave flyers. Last year all the flyers had been picked up and we had a surge
* [14:25] <[Arch_SB]thpr> hmm ok
* [14:25] <David_watch_gran> Gotta go. Bed time for cranky'....
* [14:25] <[Arch_SB]thpr> we should probably see if something like that exists then.  Let's see if we can get Paul to investigate that
* [14:25] <[Arch_SB]thpr> G'Night David
* [14:25] <@[Chair]Drew> Yes, we do need a quorum to decide. But cost of flyers $70-120 vs. buying a booth, and manning said booth.
* [14:26] *** David_watch_gran has quit IRC: Quit: Bye
* [14:26] <[Arch_SB]thpr> understand.  Let folks read the log and we can get other inputs on the BoD list or @ next meeting
* [14:26] <@[Chair]Drew> ACTION ITEM - Paul Grosse to investigate if GenCon has a free table for flyers.
* [14:27] <@[Chair]Drew> Okay. :)
* [14:27] <[Arch_SB]thpr> lol :)
* [14:27] <@[Chair]Drew> Any other questions or comments for GenCon?
* [14:27] <[Arch_SB]thpr> not from me
* [14:28] <@[Chair]Drew> Alright, last Agenda Item - Misc - including updates on new game mode support (Killshot) and the tablet version of PCGen that a new volunteer has started/continued
* [14:28] <[Arch_SB]thpr> So let's talk about the tablet version first
* [14:28] <@[Chair]Drew> Floor is yours. :D
* [14:29] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I'm not sure that's necessarily an official thing - we'd need Chris to comment on that, and he's mainly stated he's doing it to solve his needs and to learn programming on a tablet.  So we need to keep expectations level on that
* [14:30] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Having said that he has put PCGen through some paces on working in lower memory.  There are a few changes he's made that we should be pulling back into the trunk
* [14:30] <[Arch_SB]thpr> So that will provide a benefit to the main code base as well
* [14:31] <[Arch_SB]thpr> It's been an interesting analysis to see where our issues are at the moment.  I haven't done anything of that form in some time, since I've been focused on the core, so it's been really cool to see that analysis.
* [14:31] <[Arch_SB]thpr> and the resulting changes proposed
* [14:32] <[Arch_SB]thpr> It did raise a discussion about our use of Spring, but that gets into a much larger discussion of future options that are best left to a code team meeting.
* [14:32] <[Arch_SB]thpr> It certainly raises caution on any external libraries we start to depend upon and the resulting size that they pull into our system
* [14:32] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Any thoughts or comments there?
* [14:33] <@[Chair]Drew> I agree, the analysis was excellent; pulling in any code improvements is a great idea.
* [14:33] <[Arch_SB]thpr> You want to take the first pass at Killshot status Drew?
* [14:34] <@[Chair]Drew> Sure.
* [14:35] <@[Chair]Drew> I have the GameMode already staged and ready to commit. Likewise for the demo model I've put together for the thought process exercise you put out there. The data needs a little work, but my focus has been towards the Finished 35e set projects I'd started already.
* [14:35] <@[Chair]Drew> Nothing is in a working state as I need to debug some items. PCGen has a few ideas of what is needed or else it breaks.
* [14:36] <@[Chair]Drew> Bit now that I'm no longer on my deathbed, I can focus my thoughts towards finishing Killshot up.
* [14:37] *** Swiftbrook has joined #pcgen
* [14:37] <@[Chair]Drew> That's it from me.
* [14:37] <@[Chair]Drew> Your turn Tom. :D
* [14:37] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I think that's a good summary for now
* [14:38] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I have an initial handle on what is required in code, but certainly need to have a detailed discussion with you to see if you have the same perspective.  We just haven't had time to sync on that
* [14:39] <@[Chair]Drew> My free time is becoming a bit more available, so whenever you want to have that discussion just email me.
* [14:40] <@[Chair]Drew> I think that handles the Agenda items for today. Let's move to Open Forum then. Any items, issues or comments our observers or members wish to discuss or bring forward, now is the time. I'll wait five minutes before closing the meeting.
* [14:40] <[Arch_SB]thpr> we can try to find time mid next week - that is probably best for me
* [14:40] <@[Chair]Drew> (Wednesday works for me, late afternoon)
* [14:41] <Jami> The new pcgen.org website in the works has several Donate buttons. Just sayin...
* [14:41] <@[Chair]Drew> LOL
* [14:41] <@[Chair]Drew> Donate freely ;)
* [14:41] <Jami> Of course, people will have to find them first.
* [14:43] <@[Chair]Drew> Plays *Jeopardy Theme*
* [14:45] <@[Chair]Drew> *Bangs Gavel* Meeting adjourned. Thanks for coming everyone.

Latest revision as of 22:49, 1 February 2013


  • Data upgrade to 6.0.x stds - progress report
  • 6.0.1 release plan
  • 6.2 roadmap scope definition (James did want to release more regularly - we should do that)
  • Gencon - can the community bootstrap us there? Can we Kickstarter or similar?
  • Misc - including updates on new game mode support (KILLSHOT) and the tablet version of PCGen that a new volunteer has started/continued


  • CHAIR - Andrew Maitland
  • ARCH SB - Tom Parker
  • PR Advert 2nd - David Bender


  • Constant aka Trout
  • jujutsunerd
  • rlmw
  • RurounKakita
  • Jami
  • Swiftbrook (Joined during last agenda item)

Unable to Attend:

  • James (SB CODE)
  • Kar (Chair)
  • Eric (Doc 2nd)


  • Discussed the agenda items. No quorum available, GenCon items deferred to Board Members to weigh in.


  • Paul Grosse to investigate if GenCon has a free table for flyers.
  • Andrew and Tom will collaborate Killshot Code / UI and other issues discovered and bring James into the discussion on how best to implement.
  • James to do an ALPHA release 6.1.1 this weekend.


  • [14:00] <@[Chair]Drew> Howdy, I've got 1400 hours here. Shall we begin?
  • [14:00] <[Arch_SB]thpr> We expecting anyone else?
  • [14:00] <@[Chair]Drew> I know James isn't going to make it
  • [14:00] <@[Chair]Drew> I don't know about Eric or Paul
  • [14:00] <[Arch_SB]thpr> ok
  • [14:01] <[Arch_SB]thpr> let's go then
  • [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> *Bangs Gavel* Welcome to our Board of Directors Meeting, February 1st, 2013
  • [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> Our Agenda Items today are:
  • [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> * Data upgrade to 6.0.x stds - progress report
  • [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> * 6.0.1 release plan
  • [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> * 6.1.0 scope definition (James did want to release more regularly - we should do that)
  • [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> * Gencon - can the community bootstrap us there? Can we Kickstarter or similar?
  • [14:01] <@[Chair]Drew> * Misc - including updates on new game mode support (forget it's name) and the tablet version of PCGen that a new volunteer has started/continued
  • [14:02] <@[Chair]Drew> Looks like the first item is mine, I'll start.
  • [14:03] <@[Chair]Drew> Data - I'm 3/4 of the way finished with the 3.5e monster ability full description. I hope to have this finished tonight. I'm glad I did as it's shown we had quite a few errors in what certain creatures were granted.
  • [14:03] <@[Chair]Drew> I've already given James the green light to do a release at any time as this isn't a blocker item.
  • [14:05] <@[Chair]Drew> I'll review Pathfinder, but I think we've been pretty good about giving them full descriptions so that shouldn't require any attention. 3e, I haven't seen anybody express any full expectations on it, so I'm going to skip 3e at this time as I don't think it's worth the effort at this point (Haven't had a report or feedback it's used much).
  • [14:06] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Part of my homebrew is based off SRD, but that's one anecdote and I agree with the decision to skip for now
  • [14:06] <@[Chair]Drew> Once I'm done, I'm happy with the Data side of things. I've been squashing bugs that Matt Chambers has been submitting, but those also aren't block worthy items. Mainly cosmetic and more custom options these last few ones.
  • [14:07] <@[Chair]Drew> Any questions regard the data upgrade?
  • [14:07] <[Arch_SB]thpr> not from me
  • [14:08] <@[Chair]Drew> (I'm not sure if David is present, he changed the name to what it is now a few minutes before start)
  • [14:08] <@[Chair]Drew> Next agenda item - 6.0.1 Release Plan.
  • [14:09] <David_watch_gran> Here. Barely. Watching granddaufhter. Wife has her now
  • [14:09] <@[Chair]Drew> I know James and I discussed releasing an ALPHA 6.1.1 to the public for testing all the upgrades and changes for a week or two, before release of 6.0.1 for the code fixes and data changes back port.
  • [14:10] <@[Chair]Drew> Tom - Were you aware of anything else from your talks with James?
  • [14:10] <@[Chair]Drew> Finally, I know that James will do the alpha release this weekend - which I'm for.
  • [14:10] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Nope. We'll have to do a final pass on any bugs that needs to be backported
  • [14:11] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I may have done one fix I didn't backport, so I will check that
  • [14:11] <@[Chair]Drew> Okay, sounds good. We can let James report back if there is any change on that front then.
  • [14:11] <[Arch_SB]thpr> agree on 6.1.1 - I'm ready whenever
  • [14:12] <@[Chair]Drew> Next item - 6.1.0 scope definition (James did want to release more regularly - we should do that)
  • [14:12] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Which is really 6.1.1?
  • [14:12] <[Arch_SB]thpr> since we changed the numbering?
  • [14:12] <@[Chair]Drew> Correct
  • [14:12] <@[Chair]Drew> to avoid confusion
  • [14:12] <@[Chair]Drew> Anyways, the Alpha/Beta toward a 6.2 release
  • [14:12] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Or is this referring to scope of 6.2.0 which the code team scoped its piece in the meeting a bit ago?
  • [14:13] *** Jami has joined #pcgen
  • [14:13] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I think the scope of 6.1.1 is pretty set if we're planning to release this weekend :)
  • [14:13] <@[Chair]Drew> Also correct
  • [14:13] <@[Chair]Drew> And correct... Man Tom flinging the zingers today
  • [14:13] <[Arch_SB]thpr> (long week)
  • [14:13] <[Arch_SB]thpr> So on 6.2.0
  • [14:13] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Do we have an intended data scope?
  • [14:14] <@[Chair]Drew> Okay, so Scope of 6.2 - I think more frequent releases is good
  • [14:14] <@[Chair]Drew> Roadmap for Data is always in the air
  • [14:14] <[Arch_SB]thpr> well, we should try to pin something down based on the tentative schedule we have for 6.2
  • [14:14] <@[Chair]Drew> Since our man power is limited, it's whatever a volunteer happens to pick up. However
  • [14:14] <@[Chair]Drew> Killshot is a goal of 6.2
  • [14:14] <[Arch_SB]thpr> ok
  • [14:15] <@[Chair]Drew> We have several Paizo and third party products for Paizo we have in progress currently.
  • [14:15] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Which you and I have both been looking at, and we'll need to have some code discusssions on things that may be required
  • [14:15] <[Arch_SB]thpr> (I was referring to Killshot)
  • [14:15] <@[Chair]Drew> (Agreed)
  • [14:16] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I need to tap James for a discussion or two though since I think much of that impacts the UI, and that's just not my area of expertise
  • [14:16] <@[Chair]Drew> Once Killshot is finished, I normally find a set that needs attention from a Chimp and see about getting it in.
  • [14:16] <@[Chair]Drew> Yes, we do need James to jump into the discussions or Connor P.
  • [14:17] <@[Chair]Drew> Other than that, defining a scope for the Data team is hard to nail down. I know what I can commit, but we haven't had a data team meeting where I could get any members to show up and see where they are.
  • [14:18] <@[Chair]Drew> OS - Roadmap - Definitely waiting on the Template Engine before I hammer much out there EXCEPT for what I can feasibly do for Killshot
  • [14:18] <@[Chair]Drew> Any other questions or comment on the 6.2 roadmap scope and release?
  • [14:20] <[Arch_SB]thpr> not from me
  • [14:20] <@[Chair]Drew> Next Item - Gencon - can the community bootstrap us there? Can we Kickstarter or similar?
  • [14:20] <David_watch_gran> Me neither
  • [14:22] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I don't think we have the lead time to plan and execute a kickstarter. my opinion
  • [14:22] <[Arch_SB]thpr> given what it would take to do that and line up rewards and all
  • [14:22] <@[Chair]Drew> So here is the question I have. Is it better to have a booth we man at GenCon or is an info table with a flyer a better word spreading option?
  • [14:22] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I'm also skeptical on getting to the funding requirement
  • [14:22] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Is there a cost difference? I'm not familiar with the info booth thing
  • [14:22] <@[Chair]Drew> I'm going to agree. We're a little late to put together the funds.
  • [14:23] <@[Chair]Drew> Booth/Table is expensive, we missed the early reg deadline to save a modest $200.00
  • [14:24] <[Arch_SB]thpr> well, if the cost is the same then it's probably better to have people there if we have people going
  • [14:24] <@[Chair]Drew> An info table is a 'free' table where people leave pamphlets and flyers.
  • [14:24] <[Arch_SB]thpr> The issue is the dollars
  • [14:24] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Ah, ok
  • [14:24] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I think that's probably the level we can afford
  • [14:25] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Of course, really need a quorum meeting to decide that
  • [14:25] <@[Chair]Drew> DunDraCon I normally attend has a freebie table where you leave flyers. Last year all the flyers had been picked up and we had a surge
  • [14:25] <[Arch_SB]thpr> hmm ok
  • [14:25] <David_watch_gran> Gotta go. Bed time for cranky'....
  • [14:25] <[Arch_SB]thpr> we should probably see if something like that exists then. Let's see if we can get Paul to investigate that
  • [14:25] <[Arch_SB]thpr> G'Night David
  • [14:25] <@[Chair]Drew> Yes, we do need a quorum to decide. But cost of flyers $70-120 vs. buying a booth, and manning said booth.
  • [14:26] *** David_watch_gran has quit IRC: Quit: Bye
  • [14:26] <[Arch_SB]thpr> understand. Let folks read the log and we can get other inputs on the BoD list or @ next meeting
  • [14:26] <@[Chair]Drew> ACTION ITEM - Paul Grosse to investigate if GenCon has a free table for flyers.
  • [14:27] <@[Chair]Drew> Okay. :)
  • [14:27] <[Arch_SB]thpr> lol :)
  • [14:27] <@[Chair]Drew> Any other questions or comments for GenCon?
  • [14:27] <[Arch_SB]thpr> not from me
  • [14:28] <@[Chair]Drew> Alright, last Agenda Item - Misc - including updates on new game mode support (Killshot) and the tablet version of PCGen that a new volunteer has started/continued
  • [14:28] <[Arch_SB]thpr> So let's talk about the tablet version first
  • [14:28] <@[Chair]Drew> Floor is yours. :D
  • [14:29] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I'm not sure that's necessarily an official thing - we'd need Chris to comment on that, and he's mainly stated he's doing it to solve his needs and to learn programming on a tablet. So we need to keep expectations level on that
  • [14:30] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Having said that he has put PCGen through some paces on working in lower memory. There are a few changes he's made that we should be pulling back into the trunk
  • [14:30] <[Arch_SB]thpr> So that will provide a benefit to the main code base as well
  • [14:31] <[Arch_SB]thpr> It's been an interesting analysis to see where our issues are at the moment. I haven't done anything of that form in some time, since I've been focused on the core, so it's been really cool to see that analysis.
  • [14:31] <[Arch_SB]thpr> and the resulting changes proposed
  • [14:32] <[Arch_SB]thpr> It did raise a discussion about our use of Spring, but that gets into a much larger discussion of future options that are best left to a code team meeting.
  • [14:32] <[Arch_SB]thpr> It certainly raises caution on any external libraries we start to depend upon and the resulting size that they pull into our system
  • [14:32] <[Arch_SB]thpr> Any thoughts or comments there?
  • [14:33] <@[Chair]Drew> I agree, the analysis was excellent; pulling in any code improvements is a great idea.
  • [14:33] <[Arch_SB]thpr> You want to take the first pass at Killshot status Drew?
  • [14:34] <@[Chair]Drew> Sure.
  • [14:35] <@[Chair]Drew> I have the GameMode already staged and ready to commit. Likewise for the demo model I've put together for the thought process exercise you put out there. The data needs a little work, but my focus has been towards the Finished 35e set projects I'd started already.
  • [14:35] <@[Chair]Drew> Nothing is in a working state as I need to debug some items. PCGen has a few ideas of what is needed or else it breaks.
  • [14:36] <@[Chair]Drew> Bit now that I'm no longer on my deathbed, I can focus my thoughts towards finishing Killshot up.
  • [14:37] *** Swiftbrook has joined #pcgen
  • [14:37] <@[Chair]Drew> That's it from me.
  • [14:37] <@[Chair]Drew> Your turn Tom. :D
  • [14:37] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I think that's a good summary for now
  • [14:38] <[Arch_SB]thpr> I have an initial handle on what is required in code, but certainly need to have a detailed discussion with you to see if you have the same perspective. We just haven't had time to sync on that
  • [14:39] <@[Chair]Drew> My free time is becoming a bit more available, so whenever you want to have that discussion just email me.
  • [14:40] <@[Chair]Drew> I think that handles the Agenda items for today. Let's move to Open Forum then. Any items, issues or comments our observers or members wish to discuss or bring forward, now is the time. I'll wait five minutes before closing the meeting.
  • [14:40] <[Arch_SB]thpr> we can try to find time mid next week - that is probably best for me
  • [14:40] <@[Chair]Drew> (Wednesday works for me, late afternoon)
  • [14:41] <Jami> The new pcgen.org website in the works has several Donate buttons. Just sayin...
  • [14:41] <@[Chair]Drew> LOL
  • [14:41] <@[Chair]Drew> Donate freely ;)
  • [14:41] <Jami> Of course, people will have to find them first.
  • [14:43] <@[Chair]Drew> Plays *Jeopardy Theme*
  • [14:45] <@[Chair]Drew> *Bangs Gavel* Meeting adjourned. Thanks for coming everyone.